Sunday, January 12, 2014


With "Don't" so close to having her baby, I know several of you (maybe three of you), have been eagerly awaiting updates. That being said, I thought this would be an easy way to keep everyone updated on her progress while we wait for her to foal.

For anyone who is unfamiliar with "Don't" and the Funny Farm, I'll start with a little background. We had a rough year when animals started dropping like flies. The dogs all got old at the same time. Whisper, Summer, and Kisses each told us goodbye after living long, happy lives (though they were still far too short). Skelton got mysteriously ill and couldn't be saved.

Then there were the horses.  Bubba got bit by a snake, and after months of care, had to be put down. Ice got sick. Again, after months of care, she had to be put down.

Two kittens were killed. Coyotes stole Mom's birds. Owls stole more of Mom's birds.

I'm sure there were more that I've blocked from my memory for the moment, but you get the point. Things started turning around after we celebrated an early new year. Fancy had a healthy litter of puppies, for example.  Mom got a new horse, which is where this story starts.

"Don't."  Short for so many things. (The list keeps growing, actually.) Don't fall down and break a leg. Don't get bit by a snake. Don't get sick. Don't die.... and lately: Don't kick. Don't beat up Gus. Don't be such a b!T$#!

But she's a great horse, and she's due to foal any time now. We're anxiously awaiting her baby, "I Doubt It." Which is where the blog comes in! Animals on the Funny Farm seem to carry their babies for months longer than they should, so even though she's officially "due" January 24, this blog could continue for years. We'll have to see what happens! (We get excited, and time drags on and on. However, she could've had the foal as early as December 24 or as late as Feb 24, and both would still be considered "normal."

Be warned! You may see "graphic" pictures on here. Including, but not limited to pictures of a mare's vulva and udders, photos of the birth itself, and maybe even some ultra-appetizing afterbirth photos. If you're squeamish, you should probably stop reading!

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